Our work recognizes the impact that homophobia, heterosexism, and cissexism have on you and your family. If you or a family member identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, queer, questioning, or asexual and would like support in continuing to explore who you are as a person, we can help.

We are trained and experienced in working with individuals of a variety of sexual orientations and gender identities.

You feel misunderstood, invisible.

Therapists and other healthcare workers do not understand what you are going through. They don't really try to understand your perspective.

We are committed to being an affirming practice and a safe place for those in the LGBTQIA+ community.

We recognize the additional stress and trauma that is part of your life.

You may have had thoughts like...

“Is this therapist going to mis-gender me?”

“Is therapy going to do more harm than good because my therapist is going to judge me?”

“I need support going through transition, but can't find the right fit.”

Our work recognizes the impact that homophobia, heterosexism, and cissexism have on you and your family.

If you or a family member identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, queer, questioning, or asexual and would like support in continuing to explore who you are as a person, we can help.

We are trained and experienced in working with individuals of a variety of sexual orientations and gender identities.

Although our society has come a long way, we understand that a culture of discrimination, oppression, fear, and sometimes resistance towards the LGBTQIA+ community still exists. We also understand how these social systems of oppression impact you as an individual; this environment can stand in the way of maintaining an authentic sense of self and be a source of anxiety. Turn the Mind seeks to provide a safe space for support and healing around these challenges. At Turn the Mind, we care about helping you embrace your true self and living as authentically as possible. All of our therapists are LGBTQIA+ affirming. Our affirming therapists seek to help with the stressors and anxiety that can result from the biases of our culture and aim to equip you with tools to walk in the fullness of all you can be.

Our commitments to creating an affirming practice:

  1. Self-reflection – we commit to reflecting on our own history, attitudes, expectations, and privilege. In addition to personal reflection, in our team consultation, we provide feedback to each other as well. We also seek continuing education from teachers with lived experience so that our team learns from lived experience.

  2. For each of us, we seek to live an affirmative life; become familiar with issues affecting the LGBTQIA+ community, and take a stance for social justice and social change.

  3. Create an affirmative setting – provide affirming reading material, literature and resources; include affirming language on all paperwork; use client’s preferred name; and not resorting to heteronormative assumptions.

  4. We are open about our commitment to providing affirmative therapy with all clients, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity.

  5. With heterosexual and/or cisgender clients, act as an advocate by challenging heterosexism and the gender binary

  6. Actively recruit therapists with lived experience.